MTM Reloading Universal Loading Tray All Handgun/Rifle 50 Rounds Red [LT150M30]

MTM Reloading Universal Loading Tray All Handgun/R

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MTM Reloading Universal Loading Tray All Handgun/Rifle 50 Rounds Red [LT150M30]
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Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: LT150M30
  • MPN: LT150M30
  • UPC: 026057360614

MTM Reloading Universal Loading Tray All Handgun/Rifle 50 Rounds Red [LT150M30] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Reloading Supplies and Reloading Accessories. Browse our selection of Reloading and mor

The Universal Reloading Tray holds 50 rounds for loading and fits almost all rifle cartridges .17 through .458 Winchester, handgun calibers for 9mm, .38 and .45 pistol caliber, and also fits WSM, WSSM, Rem, Ultra Mags and the 500 S&W Mag. Each side is for different calibers.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 026057360614
MPN: LT150M30
Class: Reloading Accessories
Make: Universal
Series: Loading Tray
Size: Handgun/Rifle
Quantity: 1
Weight: Lightweight
Function: Holds Cases
Compatible With: Most Calibers
Material: Plastic
Includes: 1 Tray
Capacity: N/A
Media Capacity: N/A
Finish: Red
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