MTM Utility Box P-100 Flip-Top Pistol Ammo Box 1.22in OAL Blue Poly [P100924]

MTM Utility Box P-100 Flip-Top Pistol Ammo Box 1.2

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MTM Utility Box P-100 Flip-Top Pistol Ammo Box 1.22in OAL Blue Poly [P100924]
  • 99+ inventory

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  • Model: P100924
  • MPN: P100924
  • UPC: 026057116242

MTM Utility Box P-100 Flip-Top Pistol Ammo Box 1.22in OAL Blue Poly [P100924] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your outdoor hunting and shooting accessories. Low prices, in-stock and ready to ship.

MTM's Case-Gard P-100 series offers the perfect ammo carriers for the handgunner at the range. Each box holds 100 rounds, safeguarding from moisture and dust. It is ideal for storing reloads and is stackable. The textured box has an easy to grip, scuff-resistant surface, a Snap-Lok latch and durable, mechanical hinge. Each P-100 is supplied with a load label for recording custom loads. These boxes are made in the USA in the MTM factory in Dayton, Ohio.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 026057116242
MPN: P100924
Class: Utility Boxes
Make: Case-Gard
Series: P-100
Model: P100
Finish: Clear Blue
Size: 380/9mm
Material: Polypropylene
Capacity: 100 rd
Dimensions: 1.22" Max OAL
Proofs: Dust/Moisture-Resistant
Hardware: Snap Latch
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