MTM Utility Box 50 BMG Slip-Top Ammo Box 10 Rounds Polypropylene Black [BMG1040]

MTM Utility Box 50 BMG Slip-Top Ammo Box 10 Rounds

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MTM Utility Box 50 BMG Slip-Top Ammo Box 10 Rounds Polypropylene Black [BMG1040]
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  • Model: BMG1040
  • MPN: BMG1040
  • UPC: 026057232409

MTM Utility Box 50 BMG Slip-Top Ammo Box 10 Rounds Polypropylene Black [BMG1040] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your outdoor hunting and shooting accessories. Low prices, in-stock and ready to ship. Dai

The BMG10 was designed from request by the growing user of this unique round. They told us that no more than 10 rounds was needed and preferred a slip top design. Added bullet tip protection for most bullets seated at standard lengths. This is done by holding the rounds at the shoulder. Black.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 026057232409
MPN: BMG1040
Class: Utility Boxes
Make: 50 BMG
Series: Slip-Top Box
Model: Slip Top
Finish: Black
Size: 50 BMG
Material: Polypropylene
Capacity: 10 rd
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