MTM Utility Box Dual Gauge Shotshell Case 12/20 Gauge Poly Smoke [S25D41]

MTM Utility Box Dual Gauge Shotshell Case 12/20 Ga
MTM Utility Box Dual Gauge Shotshell Case 12/20 Ga
MTM Utility Box Dual Gauge Shotshell Case 12/20 Ga
MTM Utility Box Dual Gauge Shotshell Case 12/20 Ga

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MTM Utility Box Dual Gauge Shotshell Case 12/20 Gauge 25 Rounds Poly Smoke [S25D41]
  • 99+ inventory

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  • Model: S25D41
  • MPN: S25D41
  • UPC: 026057008417

MTM Utility Box Dual Gauge Shotshell Case 12/20 Gauge 25 Rounds Poly Smoke [S25D41] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your outdoor hunting and shooting accessories. Low prices, in-stock and ready to ship.

The Dual Gauge Shotshell Case holds 25 shotshells in the down position. The removable tray is for 20 gauge. With the tray out, the box it will hold 12 and 16 gauge shells up to 3". Fired 2.75" shells will fit back in the box, important, if you're reloading. The latch has been designed to be opened easily, even with gloves, and the case has a mechanical hinge. This case can also be used to organize some brands of 28, 20, and 12 gauge choke tubes with a maximum lenghth of 2.7".

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 026057008417
MPN: S25D41
Class: Utility Boxes
Make: Shotshell
Series: Dual Gauge
Model: Shotshell
Finish: Clear Smoke
Size: 12/20 Gauge
Material: Polypropylene
Capacity: 25 rd
Dimensions: 3" Max OAL
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