Nosler Reloading Bullets Ballistic Tip Hunting 7mm .284 120 Grain [28120]

Nosler Reloading Bullets Ballistic Tip Hunting 7mm

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Nosler Reloading Bullets Ballistic Tip Hunting 7mm .284 120 Grain 50 Per Box [28120]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 28120
  • MPN: 28120
  • UPC: 054041281201

Nosler Reloading Bullets Ballistic Tip Hunting 7mm .284 120 Grain [28120] - Ammo Freedom carries nosler reloading bullets and reloading supplies. Find nosler reloading for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

Nosler engineered the Ballistic Tip Hunting bullet to be very predictable and extremely forgiving. The polymer tip resists deformation in the magazine, initiates expansion upon impact, and is color-coded by caliber. The fully tapered jacket and special lead alloy core allows controlled expansion and optimum weight retention at all practical velocity levels. A heavy jacket base prevents bullet deformation during firing and acts as a platform for large diameter mushroom. Nosler's unique solid base boat-tail design, combined with the polycarbonate tip, dramatically increases long-range ballistic efficiency.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 054041281201
MPN: 28120
Class: Reloading Bullets
Make: Ballistic Tip
Series: Hunting
Bullet Diameter: .284
Weight: 120 GR
Bullet Caliber: 7mm
Jacket Material: Copper
Bullet Tip Material: Polymer
Core Material: Lead
Cannelure: No
Coefficient: .213
Sectional Density: .213
OAL: 1.130"
Quantity: 50
Recommended Usage: Hunting
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