Nosler Reloading Bullets RDF Match 22 Caliber .224 85 Grain HPBT [53441]

Nosler Reloading Bullets RDF Match 22 Caliber .224

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Nosler Reloading Bullets RDF Match 22 Caliber .224 85 Grain HPBT 100 Per Box [53441]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 53441
  • MPN: 53441
  • UPC: 054041534413

Nosler Reloading Bullets RDF Match 22 Caliber .224 85 Grain HPBT [53441] - Ammo Freedom carries nosler reloading bullets and reloading supplies. Find nosler reloading for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

For those wanting to squeeze the most performance from their competition rifle, Nosler's RDF (Reduced Drag Factor) match bullet line is the ideal choice. The RDF line was designed from the ground up to provide exceptionally high BCs, which create the flattest trajectory and least wind drift possible. The keys to the RDF's outstanding performance are Nosler's meticulously optimized compound ogive and long, drag-reducing boattail, which make handloading a snap and create an incredibly sleek form factor. RDF bullets also have the smallest, most consistent meplats of any hollow point match bullet line, so there is no need to point or trim tips.This 22 cal load has a 85 grain weigth and comes packaged 100 per box.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 054041534413
MPN: 53441
Class: Reloading Bullets
Make: RDF
Series: Hollow Point Boat Tail
Bullet Diameter: .224
Weight: 85 GR
Bullet Caliber: 22 Caliber
Jacket Material: Copper
Core Material: Copper
Coefficient: .242
Sectional Density: .242
OAL: 1.135"
Quantity: 100
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