Otis Cleaning Supplies B.O.N.E Tool 7.62mm Rifle [FG276]

Otis Cleaning Supplies B.O.N.E Tool 7.62mm Rifle [
Otis Cleaning Supplies B.O.N.E Tool 7.62mm Rifle [
Otis Cleaning Supplies B.O.N.E Tool 7.62mm Rifle [
Otis Cleaning Supplies B.O.N.E Tool 7.62mm Rifle [
Otis Cleaning Supplies B.O.N.E Tool 7.62mm Rifle [

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  • Model: FG276
  • MPN: FG276
  • UPC: 014895002629

Otis Cleaning Supplies B.O.N.E Tool 7.62mm Rifle [FG276] - Shop Ammo Freedom for an excellent selection of gun care products, cleaning suppplies and kits.

The B.O.N.E. Tool was designed specifically to clean the bolt carrier assembly area. This quick-clean tool serves four purposes: scrapes carbon and fouling from the Bolt, Bolt Carrier, and Firing Pin. It includes a 8-32 threaded hole to act as a T-handle.This model fits 7.62mm rifles. It may also fit some bolts better than others due to variance in bolts by different manufacturers.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 014895002629
MPN: FG276
Class: Cleaning And Restoration
Make: B.O.N.E
Series: Tool
Quantity: 1
Thread Type: 8-32 Threaded Hole
Suitable For: 7.62mm Rifles
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