Pachmayr Compact Pistol Grip S&W J Frame Round Butt Black Rubber [03254]

Pachmayr Compact Pistol Grip S&W J Frame Round
Pachmayr Compact Pistol Grip S&W J Frame Round
Pachmayr Compact Pistol Grip S&W J Frame Round
Pachmayr Compact Pistol Grip S&W J Frame Round
Pachmayr Compact Pistol Grip S&W J Frame Round

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  • Model: 03254
  • MPN: 03254
  • UPC: 034337032540

Compact grips are made from a specially formulated black rubber compound and are designed to maintain concealability. Although compact in design, they still give a shooter total control, and provide a secure, non-slip finish. The professional compac grips are smaller versions of the compac models that provide an even greater degree of concealability. The design has an open back-strap and the overall shape has been downsized. Makes it possible for shooters with small hands or a shorter finger to better reach the trigger and obtain the advantages of a reliable Pachmayr grip.

MPN: 03254
UPC: 034337032540
Brand: Pachmayr

Department: Grips And Recoil Pads » Compact » Revolver Grips

Pachmayr Compact Pistol Grip S&W J Frame Round Butt Black Rubber [03254]

Type: Pistol Grip
Model: S&W J Frame Round Butt
Finish: Black
Material: Rubber
Color: Black
Medallion: No
Application: Better Grip

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