Pachmayr Signature w/Backstrap Pistol Grip Browning Hi-Power Black Rubber [02420]

Pachmayr Signature w/Backstrap Pistol Grip Brownin
Pachmayr Signature w/Backstrap Pistol Grip Brownin
Pachmayr Signature w/Backstrap Pistol Grip Brownin
Pachmayr Signature w/Backstrap Pistol Grip Brownin

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  • Model: 02420
  • MPN: 02420
  • UPC: 034337024200

Pachmayr Signature w/Backstrap Pistol Grip Browning Hi-Power Black Rubber [02420] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Firearm Accessories including Grips And Recoil Pads. Browse our selection of grips, r

Pachmayr's Signature Grips feature our patented full wrap-around design and are made from rubber specially formulated for use on semi-automatic pistols. This rubber compound gives them a feel that is unmistakably Pachmayr. Built-in steel inserts ensure they maintain their shape. Available in the widest variety of models for most of the popular semi-automatic pistols. Each is designed for a specific pistol and its anticipated use.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 034337024200
MPN: 02420
Class: Grips And Recoil Pads
Make: Signature with Backstrap
Series: Semi Auto Grips
Model: Browning Hi-Power
Finish: Black
Material: Rubber
Color: Black
Medallion: No
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