Primos Game Call Power Owl [331]

Primos Game Call Power Owl [331]

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  • Model: 331
  • MPN: 331
  • UPC: 010135003319

Primos Game Call Power Owl [331] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Hunting Supplies and Game Calls. Browse our selection of game calls and more.

The 8 note call of the barred owl has a rasp that is heard only when you are extremely close. This is the sound that they have found turkeys will respond to the best. Primos has designed the Power Owl to accurately reproduce this sound with strong volume, to locate even the wariest of gobblers.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 010135003319
MPN: 331
Class: Game Calls
Make: Power Owl
Series: Locator
Species: Turkey
Material: Acrylic
Sound Species: Turkey
Electronic: No
Battery: None
Color: Black
Style: Mouth
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