Pro Ears Gold Earmuff Black [GSP300BLK]

Pro Ears Gold Earmuff Black [GSP300BLK]
Pro Ears Gold Earmuff Black [GSP300BLK]
Pro Ears Gold Earmuff Black [GSP300BLK]

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  • Model: GSP300BLK
  • MPN: GSP300BLK
  • UPC: 751710109407

Pro Ears Gold Earmuff Black [GSP300BLK]

The Predator Gold is a great all around electronic muff, ideal for turkey, duck, bird hunting or just using at the range. Amplification circuits help you hear game at longer ranges than you could normally (more than 8x normal hearing), and when you shoot the muffs kick in and block the loud sound, saving your precious hearing with a 26dB NRR. Exclusive DLSC Technology has the fastest response time in the industry at 1.5 milliseconds. Military grade dual circuit boards ensure a rugged and reliable pair of ear muffs, no wires to break or get snagged. Gold Series Headbands are made to give you maximum adhystabilty and comfort for your hearing protection, even if you need to wear it for long periods of time. The Predator Gold features Pro Form Leather ultra comfortable ears seals, a padded, adjustable headband and a low profile, contoured cup design which allows shouldering a rifle or shotgun without interference. It has 3.5mm input jacks for iPod and MP3 players, and weighs only 9.3 ounces.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 751710109407
Class: Hearing Protection
Make: Predator Gold
Series: Electronic
Color: Black
NRR: 26 dB
Quantity: 1 Pair
Style: Over the Head
AFT Circuit: Yes
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