RamRodz Cleaning Supplies Cleaner 38/9mm Cotton Swab 8in [38200]

RamRodz Cleaning Supplies Cleaner 38/9mm Cotton Sw
RamRodz Cleaning Supplies Cleaner 38/9mm Cotton Sw
RamRodz Cleaning Supplies Cleaner 38/9mm Cotton Sw
RamRodz Cleaning Supplies Cleaner 38/9mm Cotton Sw

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RamRodz Cleaning Supplies Cleaner 38/9mm Cotton Swab 8in 200-Pack [38200]
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  • Model: 38200
  • MPN: 38200
  • UPC: 852892005010

RamRodz Cleaning Supplies Cleaner 38/9mm Cotton Swab 8in [38200] - Shop Ammo Freedom for an excellent selection of gun care products, cleaning suppplies and kits. Find everything you need to

RamRodz Barrel Cleaners are a line of gun cleaning swabs that eliminate the need for cotton patches. They provide wonderful cleaning performance without a lot of hassle or mess. Favored by professionals, each model of RamRodz Barrel Cleaners are designed to expand into rifling grooves and conform to the barrel walls, cleaning the maximum amount of surface area with each pass. The 8" bamboo handle easily bends without breaking and the tip is made of industrial grade, low lint cotton. Disposable and biodegradable, RamRodz are available in five common gun calibers including: .22, 38/9mm, .40, .45 and .50 caliber. All RamRodz models are able to clean barrels, receivers, slides, chambers, magazine housings, breeches and more.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 852892005010
MPN: 38200
Class: Cleaning And Restoration
Make: Barrel Cleaner
Series: Swabs
Size: 38/9mm Cal
Quantity: 200 Per Pack
Bristle Type: Cotton
Length: 8"
Material: Cotton/Bamboo
Tip Feature: Low Lint
Suitable For: Firearms
Eco-Friendly: Yes
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