RCBS Reloading Loading Block Each Universal Holds up-to 50 Cases [9452]

RCBS Reloading Loading Block Each Universal Holds
RCBS Reloading Loading Block Each Universal Holds
RCBS Reloading Loading Block Each Universal Holds
RCBS Reloading Loading Block Each Universal Holds

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  • Model: 9452
  • MPN: 9452
  • UPC: 076683094520

RCBS Reloading Loading Block Each Universal Holds up-to 50 Cases [9452] - Ammo Freedom carries rcbs reloading supplies and reloading accessories. Find RCBS loading block for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

The RCBS Universal Case Loading Block has been designed to fit most standard rifle or pistol cases, including the WSM, WSSM and Ultra Mag families of cartridges. The two-sided design offers three different case fits per side and will hold 50 cases. Short pistol cases fit in the raised upper portion of the block for easy access. The stepped holes accommodate large pistol and rifle cases.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 076683094520
MPN: 9452
Class: Reloading Accessories
Make: Case
Series: Loading Block
Size: Holds up to 50 Cases
Quantity: 1
Weight: Lightweight
Function: Holds Cases
Finish: Green
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