Ruger Clam Pack Single Ring Extra High 1in Dia Blued [90272]

Ruger Clam Pack Single Ring Extra High 1in Dia Blu
Ruger Clam Pack Single Ring Extra High 1in Dia Blu
Ruger Clam Pack Single Ring Extra High 1in Dia Blu
Ruger Clam Pack Single Ring Extra High 1in Dia Blu
Ruger Clam Pack Single Ring Extra High 1in Dia Blu
Ruger Clam Pack Single Ring Extra High 1in Dia Blu

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Ruger Clam Pack Single Ring Extra High 1in Dia Blued [90272]
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Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 90272
  • MPN: 90272
  • UPC: 736676902729

Ruger Clam Pack Single Ring Extra High 1in Dia Blued [90272] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Optic Accessories including Rings And Adaptors. Browse our selection of Rings And Adaptors Optics and more

These Ruger scope rings are individually clamshell packaged, allowing customers to purchase only the ring they need, or mix and match without the added expense of purchasing two rings at a time. Rings are made of alloy or stainless steel and are available to fit 1" or 30mm tube diameters. Finishes include stainless, matte blued, or Ruger's signature finishes of Hawkeye Matte stainless, Hawkeye Matte blued, or Target Gray stainless.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 736676902729
MPN: 90272
Class: Rings And Adaptors
Make: Scope Ring
Series: Single
Size: 1"
Height: Extra High
Tube Diameter: Accepts up to 62mm
Finish: Blued
Material: Alloy
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