Samson Evolution 15in Handguard w/Rails AR-15 Alum Black [EVO-15]

Samson Evolution 15in Handguard w/Rails AR-15 Alum
Samson Evolution 15in Handguard w/Rails AR-15 Alum
Samson Evolution 15in Handguard w/Rails AR-15 Alum
Samson Evolution 15in Handguard w/Rails AR-15 Alum
Samson Evolution 15in Handguard w/Rails AR-15 Alum

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  • Model: EVO15
  • MPN: EVO-15
  • UPC: 851725003247

Samson Evolution 15in Handguard w/Rails AR-15 Alum Black [EVO-15] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Firearm Accessories including Stocks And Forends. Browse our selection of Stocks And Forends and more

The Samson Evolution Series free-floating handguards offer the perfect upgrade for 3 gun shooters, LE/Military or weekend enthusiasts. The tube is made of 6010 T6 Aluminum, the bushing is made of 303 stainless steel, and they are Mil-Spec hard coat anodized to be lightweight and durable. Evolution rails provide a continuous Mil-Spec top rail, dual anti-rotation tabs, and they are relieved for most gas piston systems. The 1.8" faceted outside diameter offers a comfortable shooting platform while not being too large for most shooters, and the inside diameter is large enough to fit most suppressors (1.56").The thermal bushing help reduce heat transfer to handguard, and lock onto the stock barrel nut, with no special tools required for installation. Accessory rails can be added or removed easily to adapt the handguard to your needs (units can also be mounted at 45 degree offsets). Evolution rails include a right and left thermal bushing, two (2) 2" rail kits, one (1) 4" rail kit, and Allen wrenches (3/32 and 9/64).

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 851725003247
Class: Stocks And Forends
Make: Evolution
Series: Handguard with Rails
Firearm Type: AR-15
Firearm Model: AR-15/M16/M4
Material: Aluminum
Finish: Black
Features: Stainless Steel Bushing
Rails: One 4" Picatinny/Two 2" Picatinny
Free Floating: Yes
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