Spikes Firearm Parts Buffer Spring Mil-Spec 17-7 Stainless Electro Polish Finish [SLA501S]

Spikes Firearm Parts Buffer Spring Mil-Spec 17-7 S
Spikes Firearm Parts Buffer Spring Mil-Spec 17-7 S
Spikes Firearm Parts Buffer Spring Mil-Spec 17-7 S
Spikes Firearm Parts Buffer Spring Mil-Spec 17-7 S

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  • Model: SLA501S
  • MPN: SLA501S
  • UPC: 855319005242

The Spikes Tactical Buffer Spring is the same high quality carbine buffer spring thats found in their complete rifles, complete lowers, and in their various stock kits. Its a Mil-Spec 17-7 stainless steel buffer spring that features an electro polish finish to give it a smoother quality look and feel. If you need a replacement buffer spring or just need one to finish a build, look no further. Get one today. Note: Only for use in a carbine buffer tube, or in a rifle length buffer tube with the Spikes Tactical ST-T0 spacer.

UPC: 000000000000
Brand: Uncategorized

Department: Firearm Parts » Buffer Spring » Mil-Spec 17-7

Spikes Firearm Parts Buffer Spring Mil-Spec 17-7 Stainless Electro Polish Finish [SLA501S]

Type: Buffer Spring
Model: SLA501S
Material: 17-7 Stainless Steel
Hammer Type: Electro Polish
Application: Replacement

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