Streamlight Light ProTac 2AA LED Flashlight 11/155 Lumens Alum Black [88033]

Streamlight Light ProTac 2AA LED Flashlight 11/155
Streamlight Light ProTac 2AA LED Flashlight 11/155
Streamlight Light ProTac 2AA LED Flashlight 11/155
Streamlight Light ProTac 2AA LED Flashlight 11/155

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  • Model: 88033
  • MPN: 88033
  • UPC: 080926880337

Streamlight Light ProTac 2AA LED Flashlight 11/155 Lumens Alum Black [88033] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Accessories Lights. Browse our selection of Lights and more.

Compact & powerful, the ProTac series flashlights offer three different user selectable programs and the latest in power LED technology. The combination of small size and output from the C4 LED result in one of the brightest tactical personal carry lights for its size. It comes with a removable pocket clip and holster.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 080926880337
MPN: 88033
Class: Lights
Make: ProTac
Series: LED Flashlight
Output: 11/155 Lumens
Bulb Type: LED
Body Diameter: .65"
OAL: 6.14"
Weight: 3.4 oz
Battery: AA (2)
Proofs: Waterproof
Color: Black
Material: .9"
Head Diameter: .9"
Rechargeable: No
Switch Type: Push Button Tail
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