Yankee Hill Firearm Parts Annihilator Flash Hider 5.56mm Threaded 1/2-28in TPI Silver [27-ZH]

Yankee Hill Firearm Parts Annihilator Flash Hider
Yankee Hill Firearm Parts Annihilator Flash Hider
Yankee Hill Firearm Parts Annihilator Flash Hider
Yankee Hill Firearm Parts Annihilator Flash Hider
Yankee Hill Firearm Parts Annihilator Flash Hider

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  • Model: 27ZH
  • MPN: 27-ZH
  • UPC: 816701016888

The YHM six-sided Annihilator designed is based off of the proven Phantom Flash Hider and equals or exceeds its excellent flash hiding capabilities. This six (6) port design eliminates over 99% of flash and does not requiring timing of the hider. It is threaded 1/2-28 and includes crush washer.

MPN: 27-ZH
UPC: 816701016888
Brand: Yankee Hill

Department: Firearm Parts » Annihilator Flash Hider » 5.56mm

Yankee Hill Firearm Parts Annihilator Flash Hider 5.56mm Threaded 1/2-28in TPI Silver [27-ZH]

Type: Flash Hider
Model: Annihilator
Size: 5.56mm
Muzzle: 1/2-28 tpi
Hammer Type: Silver
Application: Reduce Muzzle Lift

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