Zap Stun Gun Pocket Lightweight 390,000 Volts Pink [ZAP950P]

Zap Stun Gun Pocket Lightweight 390,000 Volts Pink
Zap Stun Gun Pocket Lightweight 390,000 Volts Pink
Zap Stun Gun Pocket Lightweight 390,000 Volts Pink
Zap Stun Gun Pocket Lightweight 390,000 Volts Pink

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  • Model: ZAP950P
  • MPN: ZAP950P
  • UPC: 797053000124

Zap Stun Gun Pocket Lightweight 390,000 Volts Pink [ZAP950P] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Personal Protection needs. Browse our selection of Personal Protection and more.

Two contact points emit extremely high voltage instantly for protection. Zap stun gun fits easily into a pocket. It is rubber-coated with a soft contour grip and has a red LED on/off indicator. These stun guns come with a nylon holster with a belt clip for easy carrying. It includes 3 CR123A batteries.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 797053000124
Class: Personal Protection
Make: Stun Gun
Series: Standard
Size: Pocket
Weight: Lightweight
Range: Contact
Repels: Attacker
Other Ingredient: Pink
Color: Pink
Volt: 950,000
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